We have Compiled a list of resources for our valued STMA Members
General Advisory & Documents Landlord Communications
1. CDC-Hand-Washing-English-3.6 1. Financial Tools - Federal & State Level
2. Coronavirus Advisory - teleworking Guidelines 2. Rent Abatement Letter- Office Template
3. Covid 19 Leave Request Form 3. Rent Abatement Letter - Industrial-Warehouse Template
4. COVID 19 CPG update 4. Sample Force Majeure Letter
5. Essential Employee Certificate 5. Things to consider during landlord communications
6. Handout SBA Disaster Ass. Resour For Business 6. Cares Act Expansion of SBA Business Loan Program
7. NATA Coronavirus Advisory
8. CDC- Hand-Washing- Spanish
The CARES Act Resources:
As the global effect of corona virus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, STMA is firmly committed to the health and safety of our members and employees and serving our communities. We are closely monitoring the changing situation and complying with public health guidance.
As many of you have noticed, we’ve experienced a surge of business during this time. As a result, we’ve taken steps to control the number of members in our warehouses and asked that members and employees practice social distancing.
Limits have been implemented on certain items to help ensure more members are able to access the merchandise they want and need. Our buyers and suppliers are working to ensure in-demand merchandise as well as everyday favorites are available in our warehouses.
As new information becomes available; management is keeping warehouse staff well informed so they can respond swiftly and appropriately. While the circumstances continue to change and we modify our operations as necessary, we thank you for your patience and cooperation. As new developments occur, be assured we are committed to taking care of our members and employees and to our mission of providing low prices, quality merchandise and exceptional service.
We extend our sincere thanks to STMA members and employees for their ongoing support and loyal dedication during this challenging time.
Thank you,
South Texas Merchants Association
As many of you have noticed, we’ve experienced a surge of business during this time. As a result, we’ve taken steps to control the number of members in our warehouses and asked that members and employees practice social distancing.
Limits have been implemented on certain items to help ensure more members are able to access the merchandise they want and need. Our buyers and suppliers are working to ensure in-demand merchandise as well as everyday favorites are available in our warehouses.
As new information becomes available; management is keeping warehouse staff well informed so they can respond swiftly and appropriately. While the circumstances continue to change and we modify our operations as necessary, we thank you for your patience and cooperation. As new developments occur, be assured we are committed to taking care of our members and employees and to our mission of providing low prices, quality merchandise and exceptional service.
We extend our sincere thanks to STMA members and employees for their ongoing support and loyal dedication during this challenging time.
Thank you,
South Texas Merchants Association